Class Artwork
Mindful Meditation
Training Class Info:
  • Date: 2022-01-17
  • Time: 13:00
  • Duration: 1:00:00
  • Repeat: Available on Request
  • Location: Online Meeting Room
  • Session(s): 1
  • Price: 25.00


This is an hour long weekly session for meditation practice in the style of mindful meditation. What does that mean, it means we are minding our minds and paying attention to our thoughts and then letting them go. The goal is to let them dissipate without judgement or engagement. As you may well understand that the mind loves to wander and engage with all sorts of thoughts. This does not mean we need to engage back. Once you become practiced at the mindful meditation, you will start to achieve a much quieter mind.

At Jungle Meditation, we believe the quiet mind to be a beneficial aspect to your life and this methodology has no religious context so it is meant for everyone from all walks of life. There is no religion discussed in the class, just instructions on how to calm and quiet the mind. Which is what mindful meditation is all about.

In this weekly class we endeavor to provide a safe place for people to come and learn how to grow their own meditation routine and learn how to keep it up on their own. Of course you are always welcome to join the class for group meditation sessions. The goal is to get you the full benefit of meditation without the hassle of travel during these times.


  • Link to zoom class session
  • Class instruction
  • Q&A Period
  • 24/7 access to video of session


  • Quiet place to meditate
  • Something soft to sit on
  • Loose fit clothing
  • 30 - 45 minutes of time


  • Yoga mat or pillow for sitting

Training Timeline

Times Location Description
13:00 - 13:15 Online Meeting Room Instructional time
13:15 - 13:45 Online Meeting Room 30 Minute Guided Meditation
13:45 - 13:55 Online Meeting Room Q&A Session
13:55 - 14:00 Online Meeting Room Wrapping up session and closing down meeting